

Zinc Gluconate with prebiotics and probiotiocs oral suspension
Each 5ml of reconstitued suspension contains (approx):
Zinc gluconate 20mg
L.Acidophilus,B.Longum,B.Bifidum,B.Infantis 417mg
(Contains over 2.5billion active L.Acidophilus,B.Bifidiam,B.Infantis at the time of manufacture)
Fructo-oligosaccharide(FOS) 25mg


Propic-Z is a combination of zinc gluconate,preibiotic and probiotics its used for intestine immunity and healthy gut.helps the baby with disturbed bowel movement and diarrhea.zinc present in Propic-Z reduces weakness and increase stamina and also used to help growth and good health.Propic-Zcomes in powder form in a marked bottle

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